Bulk Scheduling Dashboard Refresh using Apex Batch

Good stuff from Cloudy Affair!

cloudy ☁ affair

One fine day, I was browsing through the questions on Answers Community. A gentleman posted that his organization had over 150 dashboards which need to be refreshed simultaneously at a particular time of the day and currently they are doing it manually, which I understood was a tremendous overhead. I thought for a while and started posting an answer pointing towards whats stopping him to schedule a dashboard refresh. But then I thought maybe I should check the documentation and what I found was –

  • “Run Reports” & “Schedule Dashboards” permissions is necessary to refresh dashboard and schedule dashboard refresh respectively. [AB : Ok, thats fine.]
  • Unlimited and Performance Edition users can schedule up to two dashboard refreshes an hour per day. Enterprise Edition users can schedule up to one dashboard refresh an hour per day. [AB : Wooh, Whatttt!]
  • Additional scheduled dashboards may be available for purchase.  [AB : Makes sense, performance…

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